Believe in Jesus and His Word
As in honoring and teaching and practicing His ways and Word
As in preaching and teaching Christ-help rather than self-help
As in being known for love and the virtues of our Lord.
BYOL — Build Your Own Leaders and board of oversight
As in having your own true DAG (Discipleship-Accountability) Group and ways at the church
- Instead of talking about “discipleship” or thinking all programs make it happen.
- Instead of announcing “leadership training”
- Instead of perpetual church bosses unless they can embrace an updated vision
As in having a workable model for one true board of oversight.
- Instead of a calendar board or one that is a building-grounds committee
- Instead of duplicity of time with board and staff
Craft a good “Master Schedule” and work it!
As in scheduling your marriage and family and worship and exercise.
As in best use of 168 hours per week.
- Instead of seeing what happens as you go.
- Instead of majoring only on what we like to do
Give your best sermon ever! Each time.
As in true exposition rather than self-help, and your best preparation time, and rather human but realistic understanding of keeping attention to reach the heart
Love your people.
As in the church and out…listening…smiling …. telling them…. showing them …. putting them first….knelling to talk to wheelchairs….thanking ….being there….