** Many churches do not add an extra service and should.
** It is one Sunday when you can add a service at 6:30 or 7:00 am and call it the “Sunrise Service.”
** Extra greeters and parking lot assistants are a must.
** The pastor is often the best one to start the service with joy and call to worship and “He is risen!” (and the crown responds, “He is risen indeed!”)
** Shorter sermon is in order. Certainly not longer.
** 15-20 second video to your people the week before that is joyful and rather light — one they can forward to invite a friend.
** Sing “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!” to start the service, whether your worship leader wants to or not! 🙂
** Smile more than usual, especially if you have a beard.
** Do not overpressure the guests. You want them back next Sunday.
** Have a place to meet guests — pastor and wife and someone or three who get names.
** Use no big theological words in sermons.
** Announce any outreach workshops coming up — on parenting or Celebrate Recovery or the like.
** Smile.
** The pressure should be on you, not the guests.
** Have good volunteers with umbrellas if it rains.
** Be sure to explain what it means to have faith in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross and in rising. This is more than, “Believe in Jesus.” Most of them would say they already do that.
** Close the service with joy, not, ‘This is your last chance….” :-).