FINANCE TEAM, local church

To give excellence to the setting and management of the finances and budget of the church ministries, including staff compensation and overall policies

PERSONNEL: A chairman from the main board, at least two or three others from that board; the chair of that board and the senior pastor ex-officio; one or two other adjunct members approved by the board and skilled in heart (love for Christ and the church) and hand (in financial matters.


  1. Propose the overall budget to the main board of the church after input from program staff through the staff leadership team; and after assessment of the trends and capabilities of the church and vision for the next year.
  2. Assess the methods of principles and procedures of all the financial management and recordings of the church.
  3. Assess and give careful detail-protection to each monthly report and make recommendations on it to the main board each month. Do the detail work on behalf of the board.
  4. Make policies about perks for staff, policies for reimbursements, and guidelines for financial arrangements with outside vendors or ministry people.


  • Set salaries for all staff according to the “steps for setting salaries in the church.”
  • Lead the annual review of the senior pastor before setting his annual salary and benefits without his being present.
  • Set salaries for senior staff with the input of the senior pastor.
  • Set a percentage increase or guideline for the senior leaders of staff to set the salaries or wages of others on church staff.